Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fall and Winter Streamer Bite Coming Soon

The trout fishing will be heating up again as the air and water cool down this fall.  There will still be some bugs around in October, followed by some excellent streamer opportunities from winter-early spring.  Looking forward to some clients booking trips on the Allegheny and Clarion Rivers for October thru March.

Clarion and Allegheny River Trips 2017

After a soaking wet spring, which had the water levels high for most March and April, conditions finally stabilized for mid May-June.  The fishing was phenomenal.  Lots of big wild brown trout with a few rainbows and some brookies mixed in.  There are always streamer fishing opportunities when the water is high, but it sure is fun after it comes back down and you can get some shots at these big bruisers on dry flies.  Action will pick back up this fall and be good all through the winter.

2017 Spring Gobbler Success

      After an opening week of rain, cold, and wind, conditions became ideal and I was able to be in the woods for the first clear and crisp morning of the season.  After starting the morning without hearing a single gobble, I decided it was time to walk and call to make something happen before my time was up and had to return home.  I found myself near the end of my hike while making one last call near the edge of a big field.  To my surprise a bird answered in the distance.  After having that internal struggle with the question of (do I have enough time to make this happen?), I moved towards the bird and the corner of the field through the timber.  I called again a short distance from the field and was startled to hear him answer in the field extremely close to my location.  Apparently we had both made up ground towards each other during the silence.  I moved up a little closer (about 30 yards inside the treeline) and called again.  He in turn gobbled back and I could see him strutting in the corner.  The big bird worked his way up the edge of the field in and out of strut and peering back into the brush to find the lonely hen that I was trying to imitate.  He finally closed the distance to about 35 yards when I was able to get a shot.  My nicest bird to date.  20lbs, 9'' beard, 1 3/8 spurs.  A great bird for the big woods of Pennsylvania.

Tourney Champs

       This years 2017 DAV Tournament Champs for the event held out of Wolf Run Marina near Warren, Pennsylvania.  After being in the hunt for the previous two tourneys I fished, Fred Ward and I were able to put a great bag of Kinzua Walleye together and win the day.  Also we recorded the "Big Fish" for the tournament which about doubled our payday.

Light Tackle Guided Trips for Walleye in PA/NY

        Our 18.5' Crestliner Fish Hawk allows us for great opportunities on the Kinzua Dam and Chautauqua Lake for Walleye and anything else that may decide to bite.  We target the walleye but frequently catch perch, smallmouth bass, white bass, pike, and an occasional musky.  We can accommodate 1-2 anglers per trip which also includes and the gear.  All that is required from the angler is proper clothing and a fishing license.  Lunches are included on full day trips as well. These are very laid back and relaxing trips that are perfect for just enjoying a day on the water.  Also, any fish that we keep with be cleaned and fillets put into zip lock bags for transport home.  You may just want to have a cooler with some ice to put them in afterward.